Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost of renting out Il Posto?

Il Posto is available for your event starting at $200 for half-day events. Discounts may be available for recurring clients. Please call us at 478-550-6210 to find out.

What are the hours Il Posto is available to clients?

Il Posto is open to clients from 8 a.m. – 10 p.m.

What days of the week is Il Posto available?

Il Posto is available every day of the week.

Is Il Posto open on holidays?

Il Posto is available every day of the year except Easter, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day.

What is Il Posto’s address?

107 Preston Court, Macon GA, 31210

What is the maximum number of people that can be in Il Posto at one time?

Il Posto can hold a maximum of 45 people.

Are there any special deals you offer?

Yes! We offer a 10% discount for members of law enforcement, a 10% military discount (past or present military), and discounts for recurring clients.

What seating arrangement does Il Posto provide?

Il Posto provides five, 42″ X 46″ tables, a desk for AV equipment, 21 chairs, two bar-top tables, 15 barstools at a long granite countertop, 6 additional chairs around the kitchen table, and placemats. If you choose to hire a caterer, the caterer will provide tableware.

Is there anything that I need to bring?

There is nothing required of you to bring except a full expectation to have a great time!

What is your cancelation policy?

In order for your security deposit to be refunded, cancellations must be two weeks before the event.

How far in advance do I need to book Il Posto?

Call to find out our availability. Typically, we ask for one month’s notice but we can make exceptions.

When is the final payment due?

The final payment is due no later than two weeks before your event.

What is the security deposit?

The security deposit will be half of the rental fee and due at the time of booking in the form of a check or credit card.

Is the security deposit refundable?

The security deposit will be returned to the group that leases it within 30 days after the event if IL Posto is in satisfactory condition. Otherwise, it will be retained and the client may be charged for any and all repairs that are required.

Is the security deposit refundable if I have to cancel my reservation?

Cancellations must be two weeks before the event and if made before two weeks, the security fee will be returned. If canceled less than two weeks before the event, the security fee will be kept.

What caterers are available to Il Posto?

Clients may use any caterer they prefer, however, we do have a list of businesses that we work with a lot here.